Description :
This apparatus demonstrates some of the major physical processes found in hydrology. The unit comprises a tank, made of stainless steel. Nozzles are fitted on the top of the tank. Water is fed to these nozzles with the help of a centrifugal pump connected to a sump tank. A valve arrangement is there to change the water flow through nozzles or direct to the tank. Sand filled in the tank to conduct the experiment. Present set-up is self-contained water re-circulating unit, provided with a sump tank, centrifugal pump etc. Spill from tank will be recycled back to the sump.
It has an interfacing unit designed by K. C. Engineers along with Lab view software. This educational software allows/enables user to log the real time experimental data and tabulate the experimental/sample reading according to the requirement of experiment. User have a control on data logging, printing the stored data and preparing spread sheets in Excel. Flexible graph plotting facility is also available in the software.
Experimentation/Learning Objectives :
- Investigating transient processes; effect of rainfall of varying duration on the discharge; storage capacity of a soil.
- Investigating steady processes; seepage flow; effects of wells on the groundwater level over time; flow behavior of rivers, obstacles in the river bed, sediment transport in river.
- Demonstration of Rainfall/run-off process for dry, saturated and impermeable catchments of various slopes (using jacking system).
- Simulation of multiple and moving storms.
- Hydraulic gradients in ground water flow.
- Cone of depression for a well as well as its interaction with cone of depression of the adjacent well(s).
- Meanders in simulated river.