Trommel or revolving screens consists of a cylindrical screen rotated about its axis. Simple Trommel may be arranged in series with oversize of the first passing to the second Trommel and the oversize of the second passing to the third, etc. They are quite efficient for coarse sizes. The inclination of Trommel varies depending on the nature of material to be processed.The present Trommel is built with screens of different sizes throughout their length, the feed entering at the end of the finest screen. In this way it is possible to collect materials of different size range from a single Trommel.Drive to the central shaft is given through a variable speed motor coupled to reduction gearbox. Drive is provided for conducting the experiment at varying speed. Set-up is complete in all respect with guards, bins and control panel. A special arrangement to change the angle of inclination of the Trommel is made.