Materials, that have different magnetic attractability, may be separated by passing them through a magnetic field. Most often, magnetic separation techniques are used to remove iron, steel or magnetic iron oxide from materials low in magnetic attractability. These devices operate in either a continuous or a cyclic manner. Continuous devices usually have a belt which moves over the lifting magnetic poles to carry the magnetize partials into a region of low or zero magnetic field, where they are released. The present set-up is of In-line lifting magnet type. The set-up consists of two belts moving separately in opposite direction at slow speed. Feed through a vibrating hopper is conveyed over first belt and allowed to pass near the second belt, which is under magnetic field. The magnetic field is generated by permanent magnet kept in a box. Magnetically inert material drops off the belt in a normal manner. Magnetic material is held on the belt, however, and finally drops off the belt as it leaves the magnetic field. Both the belts are fitted on the pullies and drived by an electric motor coupled with a reduction gearbox.