Mechanical Engineering Lab

Tools used in the Mechanical Engineering Lab allow for accurate and fast execution of several experiments and analyses. From tensile testing machines to dynamic simulation systems, the tools used are quite sound and reliable. Employing the best and latest technology they guarantee proper data acquisition and in turn aid students and working professionals in doing comprehensive mechanical analysis. They include force gauges, and strain measurement instruments among others as part of a diverse range to improve learning and research. It is obvious that to master the mechanical principles, Mechanical Engineering Lab tools should be used. 

Worm and Worm Wheel Single With Weights

Technical Details Worm and Worm Wheel Single with Weights : will be provided. An ENGLISH instruction manual consisting of experimental procedures, block diagram etc. will be provided along with the Apparatus.

Worm and Worm Wheel Tripple With Weights

Worm and Worm Wheel Tripple With Weights

Free and Forced Vortex Apparatus

Experimentation/Learning Objectives To plot the surface profile of a forced vortex by measurement of the surface profile coordinates. To plot the surface profile of a free vortex by measurement of the surface profile coordinates.

Bar Pendulum or Compound Pendulum

Bar Pendulum or Compound Pendulum

Screw Jack Apparatus With Weights

Technical Details:- Screw Jack Apparatus With weights: will be provided. An ENGLISH instruction manual consisting of experimental procedures, block diagram etc. will be provided along with the Apparatus.

Worm and Differential Axel 30 cm With Weight

Worm & Differential Axel 30 cm With Weight

Winch Crab Single Purchase With Weight

Winch Crab Single Purchase With Weight

Winch Crab Double Purchase With Weight

Winch Crab Double Purchase With Weight

Universal Force Table Normal

Universal Force Table Normal

Moment of Inertia of Flywheel 25 cm With Weights

Technical Details Moment of Inertia of Flywheel 25 cm With Weights : Will be provided. An ENGLISH instruction manual consisting of experimental procedures, block diagram etc. will be provided along with the Apparatus.

Parallel Forces Apparatus Dial Type 10 kg Balance

Parallel Forces Apparatus Dial Type 10 kg Balance

Simply Suported Beam Apparatus With Weights

Simply Suported Beam Apparatus With Weights

Friction Slide Apparatus With Weight

Friction Slide Apparatus With Weight

Thermal Conductivity of Metal Rod Apparatus

The present set-up is designed to determine the thermal conductivity of metal rod. It consists of a metal bar with one end heated by an electric heater while the other end projects inside the cooling water jacket. A cylindrical shell filled with insulating material surrounds the middle portion of the bar. The temperature of the bar is measured at different points. Water at constant rate is circulated through the jacket and its flow rate and temperature rise is noted.

Heat Transfer Coefficient of Composite Wall apparatus

The present setup is designed to study the heat transfer through composite walls. It consists of a heater sandwiched between a composite structure having three different types of slab on either side. A small hand press frame is provided to ensure the perfect contact between the slabs. Heat produced by heater flows axially on both the sides. Temperature Sensors are embedded at the interfaces of slabs to determine the temperature gradient. The experiments can be conducted at various values of heat input and calculation can be made accordingly.

Pin Fin apparatus

The setup is designed to study the heat transfer in a pin fin. It consists of pin type fin with heater on one side. This pin is fitted on one side of the duct having a fan to conduct experiments under forced draft conditions. Air flow rates can be varied with control valve and measured with the help of orifice meter and Differential manometer. Digital Temperature Indicator measures temperature distribution along the fin.

Natural Convection Heat Transfer Apparatus

The present set-up is designed to study the heat transfer in natural convection. It consists of a vertical test pipe with an electric heating element fitted in a rectangular duct. The duct having acrylic front side for the visualization of vertical tube, is open at the top and bottom and forms an enclosure that serves the purpose of undisturbed surrounding. The heat is lost from the tube to the surrounding air by natural convection. It is polished to minimize the radiation losses. The temperature is measured by temperature sensors and displayed.

Forced Convection Heat Transfer Apparatus

The present set-up is designed to study the heat transfer in forced convection. It consists of a test pipe surrounded by a heater externally and fitted with a blower unit with valve for varying the air flow rate. Four Temperature Sensors are embedded on the test section and two are placed in the air stream at the entrance and exit of the test section. A digital temperature indicator measures the temperature profile along the test section. An orifice with manometer is fitted on the delivery side of the blower to measure the flow of air.

Emissivity Measurement

The present set-up is designed to measure the emissivity of the test plate. It consists of a test plate and black plate comprises of a mica heater sandwiched between two circular plates. As all the physical properties, dimension and temperature are equal hence heat losses from both plates will be same except radiation loss and the input difference will be due to difference in emissivity. Both plates are supported on individual brackets in a enclosure with one side transparent to ensure steady atmospheric conditions. Temperature Sensors are provided to measure the temperature of each plate and surrounding.

Stefan Boltzmann's Constant Apparatus

The present Set-up is designed to determine the Stefan Boltzmann constant. It consists of a hemisphere fixed to a Bakelite plate with jacketed outer surface to heat it. Hot water to heat the hemisphere is obtained from a hot water tank fixed above the hemisphere. The copper test disc is introduced at the center of hemisphere. The temperatures of hemisphere and test disc are measured with the help of temperature sensors. Hot water to heat the hemisphere is obtained from a hot water tank fixed above the hemisphere and fitted with a heater controlled via Digital Temperature Controller.

Parallel Flow/Counter Flow Heat Exchanger

The present set-up is designed to study the heat transfer in parallel and counter flow in concentric tube heat exchanger. Hot water flows through inner tube, cold water flows through the outer tubes and can be operated in parallel or counter mode with respect to hot water. For hot water, a recirculating type water bath having PID temperature controller and a magnetic pump is provided. Cold water at constant head condition is to be provided from laboratory overhead tank. The flow rates are measured using Rotameters. The temperature of hot and cold fluids at inlet and outlet of heat exchanger can be measured by Digital Temperature Indicator.

Critical heat Flux Apparatus

The present setup is designed to study the critical heat flux of a given nichrome wire. The setup consists of temperature controlled water bath with help of Digital Temperature controller. Temperature of the water bath can be varied from ambient to 80C to achieve different environmental conditions for nichrome wire. Test heater wire is placed in the bath & voltage is varied by variac provided. The system is complete with digital temperature controller, voltmeter, ammeter with peak hold facility & voltage control.

Pitot Tube

A Pitot Tube is used to measure the local velocity at a given point in the flow stream. A pitot tube of standard design made of copper is supplied and is fixed below venire scale. The venire scale is capable to measure the position of Pitot Tube in transparent section. The pipe has a flow control valve to regulate the flow. A differential pressure manometer is provided to determine the velocity head.

Reynolds Number Apparatus

Experimentation/Learning Objectives To determine the Reynolds number and hence the type of flow either laminar or turbulent. To study transition zone

Bernouli theorem apparatus

Experimentation/Learning Objectives To verify Bernoulli Theorem experimentally


Experimentation/Learning Objectives To determine the losses due to fiction in pipes. To determine the friction factor for Darcy-Weisback equation.

Slide Crank Mechanism - Set of - 3

Slide Crank Mechanism - Set of - 3

Slip and Creep Measurement Apparatus

This apparatus is useful for measurement of power transmitted for various input power conditions with varied belt tension. Belt slip or creep also can be measured. The apparatus consists of a variable speed motor, driving pulley and driven pulley of equal diameters. The pulleys are mounted on input shaft (motor shaft) and output shaft. The driven pulley can slide on the base only with bearing block to change the initial tension in belt. Brake drum is mounted on the output shaft, which helps to measure power output.

Cam Analysis Machine

The setup is a motorized unit consisting of a camshaft driven by a variable speed motor. The free end of the camshaft has a facility to mount the cam easily. The follower is properly guided in gunmetal bushes and the type of follower can be changed according to the cam under test. Graduated circular protractor is fitted co-axial with the shaft and dial gauge fitted on the follower shaft, is used to note the follower displacement for the angle of cam rotation. A spring is used to provide controlling force to the follower system. Weights on the follower shaft can be adjusted as per the requirement. An arrangement is provided to regulate the speed. The apparatus is very useful for testing the cam performance for jump phenomenon during operation and the effect of change of inertia forces on jump action of cam-follower during operation can be observed. Three sets of cams and followers are supplied with the apparatus. These are already hardened to reduce the wear.

Epicyclic Gear Train and Torque Holding Apparatus

Gear Train is any combination of gear wheels by which motion is transmitted from one shaft to another shaft. In epicycle gear trains, the axes of shafts on which the gears are mounted may move relative to a fixed axis. It is a motorized unit consisting of a SUN gear mounted on input shaft. Planet gears meshes with the annular gear. These planet gears are mounted on a common arm to which output shaft is fitted. Loading arrangement is provided for loading the system and to measure holding torque.

Motorised Gyroscope

The set up consists of stainless steel disc mounted on a horizontal shaft, rotated by a variable speed motor. The rotor shaft is coupled to a motor mounted on a trunion frame having bearings in a yoke frame, which is free to rotate about vertical axis. A weight pan on other side of disc balances the weight of motor. Rotor disc can be move about three axis. Torque can be determined by calculating the weight and distance of weight from the center of rotor. The gyroscopic couple can be determined.

Motorized Governor Apparatus

The set-up is designed to study the working of different governors normally used to control the speed. It consists of a main spindle, mounted vertically on the base plate. This spindle is driven by a variable speed motor which is also mounted vertically on the same base plate. One governor assembly out of four can be mounted on spindle. The spindle speed is controlled by speed control unit. A graduated scale is fitted to the sleeve to measure the displacement.

Static and Dynamic Balancing Apparatus

This equipment is designed for carrying out the experiment for balancing a rotation mass system. The apparatus consists of a stainless steel shaft fixed in a rectangular frame. A set of four blocks with a clamping arrangement is provided. For static balancing, each block is individually clamped on shaft. For dynamic balancing, a moment polygon is drawn using relative weights and angular and axial position of blocks is determined. The block are clamped on shaft is rotated by a motor to check dynamic balance of the system. The system is provided with angular scale and is suspended with chains for dynamic balancing.

Whirling of Shafts Apparatus

The set up is designed to study the whirling of shafts. The set-up consists of a sturdy frame, bearing holders, variable speed motor etc. to drive the shaft along with speed control unit. Different bearing can be fitted in bearing block to have different end conditions i.e. (i) both end fixed, (ii) one end free and one end fixed etc. As the test is destructive, hence the shaft can™t be used again.

Pelton Turbine Test Rig

Pelton Wheel Turbine is only impulse water turbine now in common use, named in honour of Sir L. A. Pelton (1829-1908) of California, USA. It is a tangential flow impulse turbine. The water strikes the buckets along the tangent of the runner. The energy available at the inlet of the turbine is only kinetic energy.

Francis Turbine

Functional model of Francis turbine, with a distributor with adjustable guide vanes that allows to control the water angle of incidence of the turbine.

Kaplan Turbine

Functional model of a Kaplan turbine, with a ring of wicket gates that allows to control the water flow in the turbine.

Reciprocating Pump Test Rig

Experimentation/Learning Objectives Principle of operation of a piston pump Recording of pump characteristics Pressure curves of delivery pressure P-V diagram Determination of efficiencies


The present set-up is designed to study the Double Stage Air compressor. The set-up consists of a double stage reciprocating type air compressor.


The present set-up is designed to study the forced draft centrifugal blower characteristics. The set-up consists of a variable speed DC motor, coupled to a blower housing and fan. The fan is also called as impeller. The motor rotates the impeller inside the housing, and due to centrifugal force, exerted by the vanes of the impeller, partial pressure is developed at the inlet and outlet of the housing. A speed control unit facilitates user, to have experimentations on different speeds, to enhance the study. RPM of the impellers are measured and indicated on a digital RPM indicator in control panel. The air flows through a pipe where instrumentation has been done to measure the pressure head, velocity and flow. A pitot tube with differential pressure manometer is provided to observe and find out the static and dynamic head of air, flowing through the pipe line. A control valve is also provided to regulate the flow of air. The set-up also provided with three impellers of different curved vanes to understand the effect of vanes arrangement on performance and efficiency of the blower.

Meta centric Height Apparatus

To determine the metacentric height



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